My daydream of late...

photo by alesa dam 
Lately I've had this little daydream creep in. In it, Michael and I have a little house with a wrap-around porch in the country. Out here, we aren't saddled with busy routines, the worries about finances or careers that fill us with stress and drag us away from what's important. I get to have a little garden in the yard and we sit outside and watch the sunset or the rainstorm or just the shadows dance along the ground.

We get to slow down and relish this little life of ours, unhindered by the hustle and bustle that currently keeps us company.

I think part of it--sloughing off consumerism and materialism for a bygone simplicity--has been inspired by a book I'm currently reading: Chasing Francis by Ian M. Cron. I'm about halfway through it (and I'll share a full review of it in a week or two), but it's a beautifully written fictional story about a man who goes to Italy to learn about Saint Francis of Assisi. It's here, in an age-old friary, that he picnics with monks, journals in a cave, and explores Francis' thoughts on faith and life and begins to rediscover his faith in Christ and God.

Wouldn't that be wonderful? The simplicity (and perhaps, innocence) of it all is so enticing to me right now.

Of course then you step back into reality and remember that there are bills to be paid and rent or taxes hovering overhead that keep us here and there and tied to our 9-to-5 schedules. There's nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it feels limiting. Sometimes I'd like to shake it off for a little upgrade, a little bit of this.

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